Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Tension Grows In Libya

Currently, the Libyan government has been oppressing its citizens, resulting in the torture and murder of innocent civilians. Colonel Muammar el-Qaddafi is staying ignorant to the demands of the Libyan people. As of now, rebel forces are being pushed into the refinery town of Ras Lanuf, which could spell disaster for their numbers. The world view of what is happening in Libya is clear.
The debate on a no-flight zone has become louder in world capitals. European countries like Britain and France seem to favor the idea while the United State defense secretary, Robert M. Gates, has underscored the difficulties of imposing such a ban, though he has seemed to soften his resistance in recent days. Britain and France are working on a United Nations resolution to authorize a no-flight zone, although it was unclear whether such a measure could gain the necessary votes of Russia and China in the Security Council.
President Obama and the British prime minister, David Cameron, in a phone call Tuesday, agreed on the shared objective of “the departure of Qaddafi from power as quickly as possible,” the White House said in a statement, adding that they would “press forward with planning, including at NATO, on the full spectrum of possible responses, including surveillance, humanitarian assistance, enforcement of the arms embargo and a no-fly zone.”
Whatever the United States decides, it is important to consider the consequences if the U.S. chooses the wrong side. Although insane, Qaddafi makes a point that can be taken seriously by the uneducated in Libya.
“Such a move would be very useful in a way that all Libyan people would then realize that their real intention is to take Libya under control, take people’s freedoms away and seize their oil,” he said. “Therefore, all Libyan people would take up arms and fight."
“The stability of Libya means the security of the Mediterranean and therefore the security of the world,” Colonel Qaddafi said. “If Al Qaeda takes over in Libya, it would be a major disaster and Europe would soon be filled with refugees that Al Qaeda would transfer from Africa.”
This situation cautions the US to tread lightly and think clearly. Creating more unrest would only result in making an enemy of the new power of Libya after Qaddafi.

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