Monday, April 11, 2011

Generations Determines Your Side in Healthcare

Being a young American, I thought that healthcare was reserved for the older generation because my generation is healthy, strong, and has less need for these services. The problem with this mindset is that it is not future oriented. What certain Republican representatives, like Paul Ryan (center of the photo), want is to give people over the age of 55 a free pass on healthcare costs and for everyone else, our generation, the incredible load to carry. It is normal for people to cover their own ends before everyone else, but why should the majority of Americans suffer?
The reason is not enough young people vote. The reason is partly political. Older people vote in larger numbers than younger adults. Children, of course, can’t vote at all. But beyond politics, Washington’s age bias depends on a basic misunderstanding of the budget — namely, that older people have already paid for their Medicare benefits.
This idea is completely false, because the government is currently set up as giving twice as much coverage for each dollar in tax. Now if all people were to convert over to tightening the belt, I'm sure that most Americans wouldn't mind, but the reality is that the US is ruled by our parents' generation. Instead of pulling the people through now, the idea is to become an even greater burden that will cripple an already broken system. Resources will be funneled from education, sciences, and infrastructure, simply because healthcare for the select few is worth more than the rest.

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