Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Political Compass

After taking one of the political quizzes provided, my result was a Democratic, economic view and a libertarian , social view. Although one of my parents is a Democrat and the other has no party affiliation, my own personal view is reflected in this graph. The particular issue that I support is Obamacare. Certain episodes of resistance by the Republicans, previously blogged about, have made the solidification of the new plan much harder. I am not completely naive to say that the plan does not need some fine tuning. Rather, the money we are spending is indeed borrowed and should be handled in the best way possible. This means cutting some pieces here and there to make a compromise, like the committees are doing for Medicaid expenditure. Even though the battles are increasing, it is looking as if my generation will indeed have extended healthcare. Hopefully the rulings so far of the federal court judges will result in a landslide against the Republican challenge of the Affordable Care Act. 

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