Wednesday, September 8, 2010

More Power! Germany Says Nuclear is the Way to Go

Germany plans to extend the life of their nuclear plants and register new zones for the growing demand. Like China, the government has taken the reigns for the best direction for Germany. How do you get the money to pay for super expensive nuclear plants? Tax the company of course!
New taxes levied on utility companies as part of the deal will be used in part to help develop renewable energy sources, Chancellor Angela Merkel said Monday. But she said Germany could not afford to get rid of nuclear power as planned because the amount of renewable energy available would not be sufficient to fill the gap.
Nuclear energy is a bridge,” she said.
Desperate times, call for desperate measures, and Germany's answer is to satisfy the energy need with nuclear, for now. This is one way to combat the "heat" described by Friedman's Hot, Flat & Crowded. It seems the rest of the world has gotten over China Syndrome and are ready to do whatever it takes to stay afloat in the future.  

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